"engaging my senses defines the kind of life i

"Engaging all my senses defines me, the kind of life I live and the life I will leave."

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Catching Life's Confetti

Growing up, I was a very shy girl. Okay, may be that's hard to believe now but that is the truth. I used to be very awkward around a lot of people and I was too scared to get out of my shell. I remember not participating in extra-curricular activities in school due to fear of being ridiculed which cost me the highest honors when I completed my elementary education. I hated being in the spotlight so I just concentrated on the academics and thought that was all I needed but obviously, I was wrong. It might not be much of a big deal at that  time since it transpired in the early stages of my education but the feeling of disappointment never left me. And even so, I stayed and remained in my shell.

 I was always playing it safe, always on the sideline, always in the corner. It was where I felt most comfortable, my comfort zone, but it was the most arid zone as well. I was just a plain spectator as gaiety unfolded before me. My voice left unheard as people broke into laughter. I was too afraid to crack a joke thinking it might not be funny. I never became a part of a team's victory nor its defeat. And even in love, I was playing it safe promising myself that my first would be my last to avoid being hurt. Certainly, it did not happen and I was not spared from being heartbroken.

After changing my faith, I gained a new sense of confidence. Gaining new faith in God was gaining new faith in myself. I can still  distinctly recall going to a dance and being very conscious. I finally loosened up after some time and got up the courage to get on the dance floor. However, I  felt clumsy as I swayed my hips to the rhythm of the music and I was about to turn around to go back to my seat when a famous adage came to mind, "Dance like nobody's watching." I found it hard to digest at first but I decided to yield to that thought and I had the best time of my life as I danced the night away. It was a huge "Aha!" moment for me...a life-changing one.

That experience gave me a different outlook in life. I came to a realization that I was actually depriving myself of the fun and joy that life can offer and that I missed out on a lot of things. So I made a pledge to myself to catch whatever life throws at me with both hands. Singing my heart out in front of others is not as nerve-racking even though I know I can never be on "American Idol". Shaking my body in synchrony with the music's beat  became natural though I would definitely not earn a spot on "So You Think You Can Dance".  Not having someone laugh at my silly jokes became the least of my worries and poking fun of myself did not give me discomfort but it absolutely would not qualify me to be "The Last Comic Standing." I engaged in sports with people I barely knew which presented opportunities of establishing new connections. I  picked up new hobbies which broadened my knowledge. I watched performances which enlivened my soul. I traveled to places  and  marveled at the richness of their history. I opened myself up to others  which resulted to earning new friends. I gained a new appreciation for the beauty of nature and its majesty as I communed with it. I was willing to try anything.  

There are still a lot of things that I want to do and I want to try. It may mean another broken heart if I become vulnerable again in love. It may mean a broken bone when I engage myself in physical activities. It may leave me broke when I travel to places. But all these are well-worth every pain I will bear.

There is so much to do and so much to enjoy in life. There are so many possibilities to explore and so many opportunities to grow. There is a plethora of adventures to get on, places to travel, mountains to climb and oceans to cross. Life pours momentous events, special occasions, unforgettable moments, once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, breathtaking views, potential friendships, potential love affairs. And the list goes on.  All these things are the confetti of life  and it is up to you to seize them, to catch life's confetti as they fall on you.

They come in different colors, in different shades and hues, with sparkles and glitters. They come in different shapes and sizes. They're thrown at you from different directions. You have a choice to catch them with arms wide open or let them fall on the ground. If you choose the latter, think twice. It is not too late. Don't just tread on them but pick them up and give yourself a chance to at least even try.

Live a life where regrets have no room. Love like you've never been hurt before. Laugh until you cry. Savor each moment like it's your last. You don't want the  "Should'ves", "Could'ves" and "Would'ves accompany you for the rest of your life for they will not be good companions. Introduce yourself to  "Shoulds", "Coulds" and "Woulds" for they will fill your basket of  life with all the superlatives there is. Life becomes more meaningful, invigorating and worth living. Just try...you might just have the best time of your life.

"Life is a rough road to travel with its numerous bumps and humps. An infinite smooth surface is only reached when life itself ends. So just enjoy the ride and the adventure that comes with it for you may never have a chance to get on it again." ~Dinah~

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