I had my own share of a small miracle last week which made me feel the love of a loving God. It has brought a different meaning to Christmas and made this year an unforgettable one. Prior to experiencing this miracle, I stumbled upon a very touching Christmas video which left me crying my eyes out and insipired me to do something for others.
A couple of weeks ago, I got tickets to the Christmas concert of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir with David Archuleta as their guest performer. I had already saved a couple of tickets for my friend and her date and I was saving another one for my "potential date".
One day while at work, I got curious about how many people were selling tickets to the concert because it created quite a stir and even made it in the news when some people sold their tickets to the concert which were given for free. I was surprised by how much the tickets were going for but one ad caught my attention wanting to buy two tickets for $100 each. I thought to myself, "Wow, I could make two hundred dollars for two of my tickets and I could send that money to my family for Christmas."
My demeanor totally changed after reading the entire ad which was posted by a mother who was looking to buy tickets for her daughter who is handicapped and apparently a big fan of David Archuleta. My heart went out to this girl and thought it would be absolutely wrong if I sold the tickets. I found myself in a dilemma of whether I would sell them or not... trying to make sense of the next move I would make. So I called up a couple of my friends to ask for their opinion.
One friend told me that they must be pretty well-off to be able to afford buying the tickets for that price. I also found out that she already invited a guy to go with me to the concert and was just waiting for his reply. At that moment, getting a date was the least of my worries. All I cared about was whether to just give the tickets away or sell them. But she only advised me to sleep on it and decide the next day.
The following day, I checked online to see if there were tickets that were being given away by others so I could help the mother find tickets for her daughter since I was still unsure about my decision. I was skimming through the ads when I found one giving away tickets for the concert. I forwarded the ad to the mother hoping that she'd be able to get the tickets but I've indicated in the email to let me know if she's not able to contact the person because I was just going to give up a couple of mine. I was surprised with that decision because it came automatically and without hesitation. And it made me feel good.
I got a response from her that night and below are the email exchanges that we had after I sent her the first email.
Thanks so much for the info. I found the ad last night and I tried to call the phone number that was listed. It didn't work, so I assume that the tickets are gone. Thanks for for taking the time to send this to me. My daughter has Cerebral Palsy and I was going to go stand in line one of the nights to see if I could get her in (would hope that there is a place they will let her sit inside while I wait). She followed David on American Idol and just loves his voice. Anyway, if you decide that you have a couple extra tickets let me know. They would be appreciated. I tried with many addresses this year...no luck.
Thanks again!
Lisa and Brittany 
Hi Lisa,
I actually contacted the person for you too but to no avail. I was supposed to only have one extra ticket and since I won't have a date that night, I was thinking your daughter could take it but she most probably would need you there. I would love to give you a couple of my tickets.
At first I thought if you were going to buy the tickets, I could send that money to my family for Christmas but it would be wrong if I sell them.
So let me know how I could give them to you.
Oh WOW...I am at a loss for words right now! How very, very kind of you to share your tickets with us. I just got home from work and got your message. Brittany is so excited. She just squealed with delight. I didn't tell her anything until tonight because I didn't want to get her hopes up.
Are you sure you can share 2 of them? My husband has been out of work for a long time and we have limited funds this year...but we decided that this memory for Brittany was more important than any other gift that any of us would want...that's why I was trying to buy them for her. I tried every other way to get these for her but never got any response. So, we decided to offer what Christmas money we had so she could go. I believe we have 2 miracles this year. I don't know what to say or how to thank you for being so generous.
I would be very willing to come meet you somewhere to pick up the tickets if that works for you. We live in the south Sandy area. I am a care giver for an older lady in Draper. Do you live or work anywhere near those areas? I can come before work or after work to where ever you want to meet.
Thank you so very much.
Hi Lisa,
I'm sorry for not promptly replying. Your email made me cry. I can just imagine the joy that Brittany felt when she found out that she gets to go to the concert.
I have experienced my own miracle a couple of days ago and I know it was because of my decision to give up a couple of my tickets. I did not expect to receive anything from doing something nice to others but I know God's hands were over this.
I can give you the tickets on Tuesday night but I would like to ask a favor. I would love to meet Brittany if that's okay. I live in Sandy so there shouldn't be a problem meeting up. I live around 110th and 7th East. I could give you the tickets after 6pm. So just let me know.
My jubilance was hard to conceal when it dawned on me that it was a lot more than what I could have gotten if I sold the tickets. My heart was pounding and I felt nothing but great elation not because of the material things I got but more so because of the great spiritual blessing I received. It may just be plain coincidence or serendipity but I know Heavenly Father was showing me that good deeds don't go unnoticed. And even without the blessings I received, I would still be grateful for I was able to share something that was special. That is the true meaning of Christmas and that is my "Christmas Shoes" story.
"The small deeds we do for others can be the greatest gift they could ever have. Let us not deprive them of that if we have the capability to make it happen because in the process, it is us who are getting more out of it. There is a simple and pure satisfaction that comes from it which money cannot buy." -Dinah-
So, true.I really admire you Dinah:) I wish you all the best and happiness because you deserve it -Jovz
ReplyDeleteawww...dinah... when you really share and give unconditionally...blessings multiply :D thanks for sharing the story.
ReplyDeleteHi Dins! I was really moved with your story. Honestly, I'm in tears right now. The Christmas shoes story raised goosebumps and your own miracle story inspired me a lot to do good. Kind people are truly blessed! :) Wish I could say the same to myself hahaha!!! Merry Christmas Dins!
ReplyDeleteIndeed, good things come to those who have kind hearts. God has His own way of giving rewards to those who follow His commandments ;)
ReplyDeleteBe blessed always. Happy New Year!
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