"engaging my senses defines the kind of life i

"Engaging all my senses defines me, the kind of life I live and the life I will leave."

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Poetic Wednesday

A Grateful Heart
by: dinahmic

Father in Heaven
I thank Thee
For the gift of life that Thou hast accorded me
For its wondrous design that my eyes have yet to fully see

I thank Thee
For the gift of youth
With its playfulness and its defining state
Enabling me to relish the years of innocence

I thank Thee
For the gift of maturity
With all the experiences and memories it brings
Effectuating wisdom along my journey

I thank Thee
For the gift of love
With its heartaches and  tenderness
Encompassing life's true meaning

I thank Thee
For the gift of friendship
For kindred spirits that connected with my being
Partaking of my sorrows and joys

I thank Thee
For the gift of laughter
Which enlivens my heart
And invigorates my soul

I thank Thee
For the tears that cascade down my face
To wash away my misery
Ushering me into the realm of tranquility

I thank Thee
For the gift of music
Which speaks to me in my lonesome
Aligning me with my deepest emotions

I thank Thee
For Thy ultimate gift
The sacrifice of Thy beloved Son
Who took the whipping for me
With every drop of His blood embodying my sins

I thank Thee
For being my Heavenly Father
For guiding me as I travel this earth
Waiting for me to come home into Thy loving arms

May I be worthy of the blessings
Thou hast bestowed upon me
May I share them with all those around me
My endless thanks to Thee...